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Today We Dream

about living and learning, and filling our lives with children and their future.

Greatest Benefits of Dance Class for Your Child

Greatest Benefits of Dance Class for Your Child


1. Physical Development

Dance class is the perfect way to keep children physically active. They will improve their flexibility, range of motions, balance, coordination and stamina. The repetitive movements involved in dance can improve muscle tone, correct poor posture and improve cardiovascular health.

2. Social Skills and Teamwork

Dance class is a great way to meet new friends with the same interests. Children will quickly develop their social skills through interaction with their peers. During classes, children will take turns, form lines, share and cooperate. It can build a strong foundation for being challenged, being part of a team and solving problems. It fosters teamwork, communication, trust and cooperation.

3. Confidence and Self-Esteem

When children start dance class, there will be a lot of new movements and patterns to learn and remember. They will learn how to hold certain poses, learn jumps, leaps and twirls. Once children master and start doing them naturally, they will have a feeling of achievement and get a better sense of their bodies and how it moves, which will help to improve their self-esteem.

4. Discipline and Good Habits

Dance class will teach children the importance of discipline. To succeed they need to listen to a teacher and follow routine. Discipline allows them to handle adversity and commit to everything they do. Dancing requires repetition and practice which teaches resilience and tenacity. These can be great life skills for the future. Being able to make mistakes, ask for help, accept feedback and make improvements are wonderful skills to have.

5. Fun and Creativity

Finally, dance is so much fun for children. It allows them to stay active in a fun and exciting way. Dance sparks children’s imagination and nurtures individual creativity in a unique way. It teaches children how to express their emotions through dance and helps them to develop an appreciation of the arts.

Growing with Responsibilities: Shaping a Child’s Life

Growing with Responsibilities: Shaping a Child’s Life

Developing & Supporting Independence in the Home

Developing & Supporting Independence in the Home