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Today We Dream

about living and learning, and filling our lives with children and their future.

Getting To Know You, "A Buds Life."

Getting To Know You, "A Buds Life."

At the end of last year, I learned that I will be working full time in Bud's class for the new school year, and when that moment happened, I was filled with mixed emotions. Of course, I was going to miss the other class that I had worked in for a long time but going to work with the youngest children in the school, would be an excellent opportunity for me to experience working in another age group and learn new things with my new team.

Many thoughts came to mind, and I felt excited about the new role. I must be honest, I also was a bit nervous, but there was one thing for sure, I love being with children, so it was definitely going to be a special experience in so many ways.

The first few weeks in the class were an adjustment period for all of us, especially the newly enrolled children. We were all adjusting to many new things e. g. new friends, teachers, and a new environment.

Gradually, everyone felt settled. The days were filled with an easiness during transition times which are often the most challenging during the day. The children finally trusted their new environment and became comfortable with their teachers—what a feeling of fulfillment it was, for all of us in the class.

Playtime is entertaining with Bud's children. Listening to their interactions and watching them socialize with their peers during free play is something that I will always treasure. I observed them as they got to know each other and build relationships. At this age, they become more and more independent, and they start to develop their specific interests, likes and dislikes. Every child is given the opportunity to develop their unique potential.

Playtime also plays a critical and vital role in child development. It is essential because it contributes to children's physical, social, and emotional well-being.

During play, they are naturally curious, and they crave to learn and explore and use the information that is given to them. It prompts them to ask so many questions and be more curious.

Children are innocent and are filled with wonder. That's why asking them silly questions can be pretty fun and insightful. Sometimes, their answers make absolute sense and can be irresistibly funny. Most times, their solutions are made through their own personal experiences and are intrinsically motivated.

My everyday experience with Bud's children serves to inspire my teaching. Our daily routine at school involves activities and procedures that occur regularly. It includes children's arrival time, completing their morning jobs, table activities, and free play.

Some days a few of our children come a little earlier. They take their time to do their routines. Some come with a big smile on their faces and greet their teachers in the morning. Others just quietly go into the classroom. Some of the children who are still in the adjustment phase have a big cry, while missing Mama. After completing their morning routines, everyone is ready to play.

An abundance of activities are available on different tables for the children's exploration. All Bud's teachers are skilled at what they do. They make sure that the children have enough learning activities daily. While playing, lots of social interactions are taking place. Based on their age, language starts to emerge. During our everyday interactions, children learn so much. Children love all the attention they get! And they're people-pleasers, too—what better way to connect with them than asking them many funny questions to get them to express themselves verbally.

Conducting informal interviews with our tiny Buds is such a great memory. I would like to share with you some of our interactions during free play. You may notice some familiar answers from your child.

What do you like to eat?

·         Ichigo

·         Banana

·         Apple

·         Melon

·         I eat everything, and I drink water

Where do you live?

·         At the house

·         Roppongi

·         Over there

Where do you go after school?

·         I go shopping with Mommy and Daddy

·         I go to the park

·         I go home

What do you like to play?

·         Car

·         Anpanman

·         Mickey Mouse

·         Park

What is your favorite book?

·         No David!

·         The construction Site

·         Thomas

·         Peanut Butter and Jelly

What animal do you like?

·         Dog

·         Tiger

·         Dinosaur

·         Bear

·         Mickey Mouse

What is your favorite color?

·         Blue

·         Pink

·         Green

·         Purple

·         Yellow

What is your favorite song?

·         Peace like a River

·         Jungala

·         Everybody (Backstreet Boys)

·         Paprika

·         Peel The Banana

·         Good Morning Song

·         We Will Rock You

·         Tequila Song

·         Another one bites the dust

·         Dynamite Song

·         Dance Monkey

·         Perfect

What can you do to make your friend happy?

·         Hug

·         Turn around

·         Jump

·         Sing

·         Kiss

Where do you want to go?

·         Disneyland

·         Park

·         Temple

·         Fish Pond

·         Seven Eleven

·         Tokyo Tower

·         Cafe

Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected

What is “Doutoku no Jyugyou?” (Moral/Values/Character Education)

What is “Doutoku no Jyugyou?” (Moral/Values/Character Education)